What Do Lutherans Believe?
Where do Lutherans get their beliefs from?
Missouri Synod Lutherans operate on the principal of sola scriptura, which means Scripture alone. All that we believe, teach, and confess must faithfully be taken from the Holy Scriptures. We believe that the Holy Scriptures are God’s divinely inspired word, without error, that are about to make us wise unto salvation.
What do Lutherans believe about God?
We believe that God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is three person in one God, not three gods and not one person, but Triune.
What do Lutherans believe about human beings?
We believe that human beings were created good by God. We were created to be in a loving relationship with Him and in a loving relationship with other human beings. But we are all born sinful and separated from God destined to reap the consequences of such separation through the destruction we all experience in life and ultimately through death itself, because of our original parents’, Adam and Eve, fall into sin.
What do Lutherans believe about Sin?
We believe that we are born into this condition called original sin. No one is exempt. It is not just a weakening of our abilities to do good, but is a total corruption of the human creature. Because of our corruption we are completely cut off from God. We can do nothing to remedy our own sinful situation. We cannot seek out God with our own strength. We cannot struggle to do good works to earn His merit. The call to exercise our freewill and give our hearts to Jesus and decide to be obedient followers of Christ is a myth, because left alone in our sin we can only serve ourselves. We can never perfectly follow God.
What do Lutherans believe about Salvation?
We believe that God loves us and is very merciful, but He is also a just God. He has looked down upon His creation with great love and tender mercy, sending His only Son Jesus Christ into this world to take on human flesh. This Jesus Christ who is truly God and truly man gave His life upon the cross so that our sins may be forgiven. Jesus took the burden of our sin upon Himself at the cross enduring our punishment. His love is so great for us that He gives us His perfect righteousness. By virtue of the cross, God declares that our sins are forgiven and we are righteous and welcome in His sight. Through Christ’s death and resurrection our relationship with God is restored. God is once more our Father and through His mercy we are His children.